miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

SOCIAL SCIENCE (jueves 14 de mayo)


Today we are going to read the story "Jack goes back in time".

📺👀 1. First, watch the digital story on Blinklearning

- Open your Blinklearning account.
- Click on "CONTENIDOS" and open the Social Science digital Book. 
- Click on Unit 5 (History).
- Click on "Jack goes back in time". 
- Finally, click on that little tablet to open the digital story. 

📖 2. Now, open your Class Book to pages 88 and 89 and read the story yourself.

📝3. Do activity 2 in your notebook. 

You have to answer the questions. Make sure you use the past tense to answer. Look at the examples: 

a) What did Jack see in the Christian Kingdom?

He saw.... 

b) What did Jack see in al-Andalus?

He saw... 


1 comentario:

MATEMÁTICAS (19 de junio de 2020)

¡BUENOS  "MATE DÍAS"! HOY ES VIERNES  Y...¡ ÚLTIMO DÍA DE CLASE! Realmente falta menos de un día...😃     👦👧 Para e...