miércoles, 17 de junio de 2020

ARTS (jueves 18 de junio)


Summer holidays are almost here!!!

Today we are going to do a summer craft: a paper boat

1. 📺 The first thing you need is a piece of paper and this video. Get your paper ready and follow the steps. You can pause the video or watch it again as many times as you need to.

2. 🎨 Now that your paper boat is ready, you have to decorate it. You can use different materials you have at home. 

Let's see some examples:  


MATEMÁTICAS (19 de junio de 2020)

¡BUENOS  "MATE DÍAS"! HOY ES VIERNES  Y...¡ ÚLTIMO DÍA DE CLASE! Realmente falta menos de un día...😃     👦👧 Para e...